You will often see the Assessor’s Office field teams out in the Township, measuring improvements and taking pictures. Their purpose is to update our records because of permits issued, or because we haven’t been to a property in a while. We do not have set schedules as to when we will visit a property, and therefore are unable to notify owners of the inspection ahead of time. We do not have phone numbers for property owners, unless you give it to us. The field teams will ring your doorbell and knock on your door to let you know why they are there, but they do not need to have access to the interior of your home. The field teams always have ID’s with them, they will be wearing yellow vests that say St. Charles Township on them and will be driving a Township vehicle with identification on the sides of the car. If you do not answer the door, we will assume no one is home and continue on with inspecting the property.
Please be aware that when you submit plans to the City or the County for your improvement project, the Assessor’s Office is not given a copy of those plans, which is why we physically visit each property.
We welcome your call to our office if you have any questions or concerns regarding the inspection or assessment of your property.
“My office is dedicated to fair and equitable assessments for all properties in St. Charles Township. My staff and I are here to serve you, to address any questions or concerns. We can be reached by phone at 630-584-2040 or our fax number is 630-584-7963. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, we are located at 1725 Dean Street in St. Charles”
Thank you.
Diane Hemmingsen, St. Charles Township Assessor
Parcel Search

Diane Hemmingsen
Township Assessor, CIAO |