Mowing: Rural area right-of-ways are mowed 3-4 times per season as conditions warrant.
Storm Sewer Maintenance: Storm sewer basins are cleaned as needed. Inlet grates in the street are inspected and cleaned during and after most rainstorms. It is your responsibility to keep the grate and basin clean. If you suspect a problem with an inlet on your property, please call the Road District Office. Although the inlet and sewer are not within the Road District jurisdiction, we may help solve your problem, and may keep water out of your house.
Tree Trimming: Each fall the trees extending into the road right-of-way are trimmed so branches will not damage our snow removal equipment. While the tree may be planted on property, we are obligated to maintain the right-of-way. We do trim every tree as conscientiously as possible, using American Association of Nurserymen Guidelines. Dead trees in the right-of-way are removed by the Road District at no charge. Wood resulting from trimmings and removal is sometimes available.
Litter Pick-Up: We routinely patrol the Township for discarded litter. Every bag collected is opened and checked for point of origin. Where possible, violators are prosecuted to the fullest extent for unlawful disposal of litter.